Oct 19, 2023

Noticing hair loss when you look in the mirror in the morning can be a jolt. Being aware of the best ways to combat this situation is vital. When looking for the most effective modern hair transplant options, the terms FUT and FUE dominate the conversation. Let's take note of the basic differences between the two.

  • Follicular unit transplant (FUT) involves removing a small strip of skin in order to extract the hair follicles for transplantation.
  • Follicular unit extraction (FUE) removes 1-4 individual hair follicles at a time and transplants them to the balding area in naturally occurring groups.

Is FUE as Effective as FUT?

While there are differences in the methods of extracting hair follicles, FUE and FUT have roughly the same level of effectiveness. The advantages of FUE include a lack of visible scarring – leading to a more natural looking head of hair at the end of the process.

Is FUE Or FUT More Painful?

 The National Center for Biotechnology Information notes the following about the relative levels of postoperative pain between FUE and FUT:

“…the FUT method is more painful than the FUE method; it also involves a linear scar but does not require donor area shaving. In contrast, the FUE method is less painful and does not leave a linear donor scar, but it necessitates shaving the donor area.”

Does FUE Look Natural?

 Since the follicles are transplanted in naturally occurring patterns, the results of FUE look completely natural. This is especially true when the procedure is performed by skilled physicians – such as our H2T team – using the NeoGraft Automated Hair Transplantation system. Of the available advances on the market, it produces some of the most natural looking results.

Do FUE Scars Fade?

 Unlike FUT (where linear scarring usually results from the "strip method" used), the tiny transplants from FUE usually present no visible scarring once the initial recovery period ends. Even in cases where scarring is visible to the naked eye, it is far from obvious and fades over time.

What Percentage of FUE Grafts Survive?

 The industry standard is a 60-70% survival rate at any reputable hair clinic utilizing FUE. Survival rates of 90% or higher can be achieved by experienced physicians like our team at H2T. In addition, our use of the NeoGraft Automated Hair Transplantation system places us at the cutting edge of hair restoration technology, allowing us to provide the best possible results.

Contact the Experts in Hair Restoration

 H2T is composed of Physicians, Nurse Practitioners, Nurses, and Surgical Technicians dedicated to helping bring back both your hairline and your confidence. Leaders in the field of cosmetic medicine (including the most advanced hair restoration techniques), H2T will create a treatment plan that will bring back that youthful look. Call us today to schedule an evaluation at (508) 530-9600.

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