Male Psychology & Hair Loss

Jan 18, 2024

Losing your hair can quickly have a negative effect on your self-esteem and leave you depressed, but what if depression also causes you to lose your hair? For many men, questions about male psychology and hair loss are intertwined. Mental illness can impact your hair health and hair health can impact mental illness.

Can Psychology Cause Hair Loss?

Psychology is the study of the human mind and how it works, so no… psychology cannot cause hair loss. But some forms of psychological disorders can lead to hair loss.


Depression, one of the most common forms on mental illness in the United States, can cause hair loss and so can some of the medications used to treat depression. Additionally, stress is a major factor in hair loss. Anxiety can also lead to hair pulling in some people – which can also contribute to hair loss.

Can Stress Cause Hair Loss and Will It Grow Back?

Stress can cause your body to think it has experienced a shock. Shock can lead to telogen effluvium. In that case, the stress convinces your body to stop growing your hair and pushes it to the resting phase. Then, it just falls out like it normally would.

The good news is that when stress causes this reaction, the hair loss is reversible. When you decrease your stress levels, the hair follicles are not damaged and can regrow hair.


However, there are other forms of hair loss related to stress that can cause more long-term issues. Stress can lead some people to develop trichotillomania, a subconscious and continuing urge to pull out your own hair. When this happens, you risk developing traction alopecia and doing permanent damage to the hair follicles. It is much harder to reverse that as opposed to hair that is falling out.

Equally damaging is the development of stress-related alopecia areata. This form of hair loss is actually an autoimmune condition in which your body attacks itself – specifically the hair follicles. This causes hair to fall out in clumps and (because it is attacking the hair follicles) it is also harder to remedy.

Can Overthinking Cause Hair Loss?

Most of the time when we are overthinking a problem, it is because of stress. Stress causes hair loss and then we start a vicious cycle of trying not to overthink why we are losing our hair.


A study at Harvard University found that stress hormones can cause hair follicles to go into a long resting phase without repairing the hair follicle or growing more hair. As long as you remain stressed, your hair does not grow back.

Think it’s a coincidence that some of the most powerful men in the world are balding? It is not. The stress-related to their responsibilities may be making them far more likely to lose hair than a less stressful job would.

H2T Hair Restoration and Transplant Can Identify and Treat Hair Loss

No more overthinking the reasons for your hair loss. Let us do that for you. We’ll figure out why you are losing your hair and what you can do to stop it. All you need to do is pick up the phone and call us now. We’ll help you get started on your journey to a fuller head of hair.

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